Imagining Head-Smashed-In – Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains

kr. 399,95 inkl. moms

Gennem årtusinder skærpede og forfinede indfødte jægerfolk på den nordamerikanske prærie deres viden om og samhørighed med naturen og de bisoner, de levede side om side med – og af. Arkæolog Jack W. Brink har i årevis studeret Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump i Alberta, Canada – et UNESCO World Heritage Site – og har ved bl.a. årelang forskning og samarbejde med ældre blandt de lokale Blackfoot-indianere medvirket til at give en bredere forståelse af, hvordan de indfødte også her er lykkedes med at leve i pagt med naturen. Bogen indeholder en detaljeret gennemgang af indfødt jagtkultur og tradition på generelt niveau blandt indianere i Nordamerika. En nyklassiker!

NB: Bogen er på engelsk!

Paperback, 360 sider, 165 x 235 mm.

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For millennia, Aboriginal hunters on the North American Plains used their knowledge of the land and of buffalo behaviour to drive their quarry over cliffs. Archaeologist Jack Brink has written a major study of the mass buffalo hunts and the culture they supported before and after European contact. By way of example, he draws on his 25 years excavating at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump in southwestern Alberta, Canada – a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Jack W. Brink is Archaeology Curator at the Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton, Canada. He received his B.A. from the University of Minnesota and his M.A. from the University of Alberta. His interests also include the study of rock art images of the northern Plains, and he enjoys working with Aboriginal communities on heritage issues.

 Imagining Head Smashed-In brings alive the past as well as the archaeological process, in an engaging description of how archaeology really happens, which complements Brink’s impressive command of the data. ~Citation from the Society for American Archaeology Public Audience Book Award

Brink takes readers on an exploration of the site, telling its story in an irresistible personal voice into which he pours his heart and soul. What comes through is the author’s deep respect for his subject. ~Ken Tingley, Edmonton Journal

A writer committed to a subject that most of the world considers marginal, yet approaches it with I-will-be-heard confidence, can win the heart of even the most recalcitrant reader. Jack W. Brink, a curator at the Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton, has that ability. He’s spent 25 years studying the way Prairie natives kept themselves alive for millennia by hunting buffalo, a subject that in his hands becomes absorbing, dramatic and almost urgent. ~Robert Fulford, National Post

Pick up this book and add it to your collection; it is a must read for anyone interested in the past, anyone studying history of the plains, and everyone just looking for some fresh, new and upbeat reading material. Imagining Head-Smashed-In is a tale about courage, ingenuity and the struggle for survival. ~John Copley, Alberta Native News


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